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Reimagining Education in the midst of COVID-19

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Conference Prework

PDF: A Collective Education Roadmap for Action

View the full Reimagine Minnesota Plan that includes background and recommended strategies and action steps.

The Minneapolis Foundation Report: Reimagine Education

The collective input of students, parents, communities, school leaders, and researchers led to The Minneapolis Foundation's Reimagine Education report.

PDF: Overview of Reimagine Minnesota

View a PDF summary of the history and summary of Reimagine Minnesota.

Road to Reimagine: The Alejandro Cruz-Guzman lawsuit

The start of Reimagine Minnesota.

This short video discusses Alejandro Cruz-Guzman v. The State of Minnesota.

The Road to Alejandro Cruz-Guzman

Desegregation in Minnesota.

This short video discusses Minnesota desegregation cases leading to the current case in Minnesota

The Road to Brown v. Board of Education

Education milestones.

This short video discusses the milestones in education leading up to Brown v. Board of Education.

Parent & Student feedback on distance learning during COVID-19

A broad look at Reimagine Minnesota and how it can impact your school district.

Students discuss their experience of distance with District 196 Superintendent Mary Kreger and Equity Coordinator Robin Gordon

Superintendents reflect on the start of Reimagine Minnesota

A broad look at Reimagine Minnesota and how it can impact your school district.

Superintendents John Schultz, Ric Dressen and Steve Unowsky reflect on the Road to Reimagine Minnesota.

The Reimagining Education Conference

Reimagine Minnesota History: A commitment to create lasting equity and excellence in education for all students.

In March 2016, a group of metropolitan superintendents gathered together to discuss the future of education in the State of Minnesota.

Specifically, the superintendents acknowledged that ensuring equity and excellence for all students is the most pressing issue in education today.

They also recognized that the demographic composition of our state was rapidly changing and that Minnesota would have an older, more diverse population throughout the state in the coming years. Our K-12 education system is the foundation for the upcoming workforce yet our educational data and statistics show that schools and districts need to improve all of the educational markers that serve as benchmarks of success in the current educational system.


9:00-9:10: Sign-In

9:10-9:20: Welcome and Introductions – Paula Forbes, Christine Osorio and David Law

9:20-9:40: Superintendent’s Panel: Road to Reimagine

9:45-10: Equity Director’s Panel: Student Engagement and Distance Learning

10-10:10: Directions and agreements for break-out sessions

10:10-10:35: Break-Out Session #1

10:35-11: School Board Member Panel: Incorporating Reimagine into your district’s strategic plan

11-11:25: Lt. Governor Flanagan addresses conference participants

11:25-11:45: Break-Out Session #2 Large Group

11:45-12: Harvest

12 p.m.: Closing and next steps


Reimagine Minnesota: The World Cafe Murals

This conference brought to you by AMSD, Forbes Solutions, and Youth Lens 360
with support from the Minneapolis Foundation